His first creation was a folder. It took him hours to make it. He was so excited when it was completed. He went to put a piece of copy paper in it & it wouldn't fit. He had measured notebook paper when starting his creation & didn't think about copy paper being wider. He so wanted to cry, thinking he had wasted so much time & precious duck tape! But no, he moved onto his next project.
Next Austin made a wallet. It actually looked really cool. Did you know duck tape comes in all different colors now a days? Well, Austin's wallet was black & red. He even made a letter A for the front of it. He uses it & everything. I should have looked for it & took a picture for this post. Austin probably doesn't even know where it is right now.
He's been working on his top hat for awhile. He started it after he finished the wallet, but ran out of duck tape. I refuse to fund his duck tape hobby, so he had to wait until he got some more money. Thanks to the abundance of snow we had a couple of weeks back, he had $35. He shoveled driveways in the neighborhood. James took him to get more duck tape while I was at work. I came home to find him working on his top hat with one of the neighbor boys, Bailey. I do have to say, it's a pretty sturdy hat. It's amazing how creative he can be. Now he's branching out away from google. Last night he started making duck tape shoes without any instruction. It's fun to watch his little mind work out all the problems.
I wonder what his next duck tape creation will be!
1 comment:
You know that MacGyver always could do amazing things with that stuff. We have our own macGyber
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